Expand without limits, Embracing autumn days

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Expand without limits, Embracing autumn days

Expand without limits, Embracing autumn days

November 13, 2023

On the first weekend of November, colleagues from C&D Emerging Energy's "Yiguang Xingneng" gathered at the warm autumn sunshine, coming together at Taihu for internal discussions and team-building activities.


On the first day's business meeting, a review of the business team's growth journey and performance achievements was conducted. During the meeting, both new and experienced employees shared their experiences, and business training was provided for all team members.



During the business training session, the head of the residential photovoltaic business department provided a detailed analysis of how to understand customer psychology and use marketing strategies to attract and retain customer groups in the ever-changing market environment. The knowledge and skills shared in this session offer valuable insights and serve as a reference, encouraging us to better serve customers and the market.

During the meeting, the Deputy General Manager of C&D Emerging Energy summarized the outcomes of the conference. The thriving development of the business is inseparable from the wholehearted commitment of each partner. Through internal discussions, not only was the team's morale boosted, but it also strengthened the cohesion and sense of purpose among all partners.


After work, there was also a relaxing and enjoyable frisbee activity. The frisbee, a simple flying disc, served as a touchstone for teamwork. In this activity, we set aside our work-related labels, and only the frisbee soared freely in the air. As the frisbee flew back and forth, our hearts soared with it, and collaboration and trust grew silently.

Eating is also an important part. After the dual stimulation of mental and physical activities, it was time for dinner. Enjoying good food and light, we not only shared delicious meals but also shared stories and laughter. Meanwhile, songs accompanied the crackling of the bonfire. Colleagues encouraged each person who took the stage, supporting every attempt with applause and cheers. This session allowed us to see different facets of each individual, bringing our hearts even closer together.



The curtain falls on this event. In this autumn rendezvous, we transcended the boundaries of the workplace, promoting communication and understanding through discussions and team-building activities. More importantly, we found our place in the team and clarified common goals.

Thanks to each colleague who participated in the team-building, it is your passion and dedication that made this event meaningful. In the future, let us move forward hand in hand, unite the new forces, and create new achievements together!


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